Lyme Lnks:
Lyme Testing:
Info about the testing:
http://igenex.com/Website/ IGeneX, Palo Alto, CA 800.832.3200
or 650.424.1191 – recommended to do the complete Lyme test-$475 must
have doctor’s orders to do the test. IGeneX will send out a free
test kit with all the instructions. Medicare and most insurances
will cover some to all of the cost.
http://www.lymetap.com/ See if you are eligible for
assistance; probably only if you do not have any insurance
http://www.spirostat.com/index.php Spiro Stat, Lubbock, TX
(806) 885-2929 (since 2009) $500 test for 35 organisms, $50 test
kit but $50 off the $500 after the test so test would be $450, Need
national provider number UPIN or NPI # - health practitioners have
to fill out. Dr. David Snow, mtkg dir,
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